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It’s a Good Time for Men to Stand Up for Decency and Reject Violence and Hate


Wouldn't you like to have this experience of what it's like to be ultra-feminine? ... They strive to be good humans who happen to be male, but not good men.. ... David's Last Words to Solomon - When David's time to die was near, he told his son ... He stands when she walks in the room In the old days, men stood out of respect ...

It’s a Good Time for Men to Stand Up for Decency.

It's hard to imagine a safer space in Houston than West University Place.. ... Kellye was looking forward to talking to the other families in real time, in real life, away from ... Wouldn't it be great if we ended up meeting and could make a really positive ... Because Liberals can';t stand shirts; and all shirts must conform to liberal ...

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing the right thing even when you're afraid. During times of real danger and fear, it takes courage to stand for the principles of freedom and justice articulated in our Constitution. Anthony - CA

God Bless our wonderful nation. It is very sad to think of the lives that were lost on 9/11. It is very important for us as Americans to remember what our forefathers envisioned while writing the Constitution of the United States. I am proud to take a stand for our freedom. We must also remember that sometimes our freedoms come at a price. I love this country and know that by being united we can accomplish all things. Arda - MI

I am very disappointed that we are gradually losing our rights. Everyone but a few of us is not satisfied with what is going on. I am a fighter for my grandchildren rights and my. We are living in a sad time when no one is paying attention as what is going on. I will be a fighter until the end. I am a grandmother raising my two granddaughters. I am continuely expressing that you all will not have in rights. I tell them all the time you must vote and stand for something before you leave this world. Your constitution rights is all that you have. I beg them please wake up and fight for your freedom. I am 61 years old. I am shock at what is going on right in front of our eyes. Barbara - GA

I want our country to use the memory of 9-11 to begin reflecting on and acting to accomplish that which is good for its citizens. The last 10 years has been a waste of time and money. And we have not impressed anyone. We are a war mongering nation and in the meantime the people are hungry, jobless and without a home. How did we get our priorities so out of whack? Catherine - TX

We are destroying what our country stands for in the name of saving it. The Republicans are really good at framing things so that bad appears to be good and they have the best help money can buy to accomplish this. Cathy - HI

I find it appalling that Bush and Cheney brag about torturing people something our first president adamantly despised and forbid as was the way until these two step into power. I am hopeful that we will earn back our respect in the world but it's not going to happen with our current president or democratic leaders and if the GOP receives any more power it may never happen. The most disappointing thing is this may not happen in my lifetime. Since my birth I have watched the American dream, upward mobility and basic care for all Americans wideied away by ignorance and the greed that exploits and encourages it continuance. I thought we had hope for real change with this president but he's no better than the last and any good he did is minimized by all the backward compromises. David - NY

It's easy to stand for the freedom for all in times of safety, but it requires courage to stand fo that freedom when times are difficult or uncertain. We must maintain our standing for the Constitution and the rule of law. david - CO

Our freedoms should never at any time be barter for protection. We have always been availed to fight for those freedoms but allowing them to be usurped by anyone for any reason is a blow to our Constitution and what it stands for. Elizabeth - MI

I vow to help reclaim the standards of integrity, decency, free speech, and good will that the politicians have stolen from us with their scare tactics and their public behavior since 9/11. They are the real threats to our democracy and way of life. Elliott - MA

What is needed is the Economy of Equivalences. An hour's work is an hour's work anywhere in the world. You will get paid in time credits, not dollars. Modern computers can calculate how long it takes for, say, a pound of potatoes to go from field to table. You pay in minutes, not dollars. Things become very cheap, because for the first time in history price and value are the same, that is, profits do not drive the engine. People will work fewer hours and gain a high standard of living. This will wipe out poverty worldwide. I can send detailed information on request. Forrest - CA

We the people are sick and tired of you ignoring the constitution. We the people stand for a higher moral value in tough times. We the people believe in due process. We the people demand you do your job and stop placing the burden's of your corporate war on the poor and middle class while the richest get richer. H. David - MA

I was a volunteer various times for long shifts @ St. Paul's Chapel. This began some two weeks after 9/11 while flames were still burning and the air was enflamed with toxicity. While at Ground Zero, I felt that I was at the intersection between good and evil. The rescuers and subsequently recoverers, were all doing sacred work. Our society must do better! We can do better. We must do better; and we can and must do this in ways that enhance and protect the civil rights and civil liberties of all of us! Jack David - NY

I have watched and listened over the past few years as our constitutional rights have been slowly but systematically carved away. It is time for the Amercian people to stand in solidarity against anyone, including our own government, whose agenda is to disempower the people. Jane - VA

September 11 has really impacted America. We have to work together and protect our freedoms. We must continue to promote education, jobs, health benefits, our rights, and our beliefs. We have the ability to make a difference and we must continue to fight for our rights. Things may look bad in America right now but we have the power to turn things around. We have to trust God and believe in him in times of uncertainty. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, we are fighting against principalities and powers of darkness in the world. We must stand up and fight for what we believe in and help those who are less fortunate. Together we can turn things around in America and we can reclaim what's been taken away in our country. Jason - MI

The constitution only has value if we consistently adhere to it. Making it an "only in good times" song permits the worst instincts and prejudices to rise to the surface and rule our lives. Jean - IL

As America returns to medieval fifedoms of lords of wealth protected by moats of blackwater drones and dogs, let's stand together to avoid our perpetual serfdom...thank you ACLU for being there...storming the nuveau riche bastilles will be much more difficult this time around John - HI

We live in a dangerous and exciting age. It is a time of both crisis and opportunity. Now is the time to shake off the yoke of disempowering fear and apathy and make a stand for what is right, what the framers of the US Constitution intended to be held as a light of freedom for all the world to follow. John - OR

There are few things worse than revenge on a personal and a national level. For the past ten years we have been perpetuate a grim regime of pay--back on innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic events of 9/11. Wwe ghave got to stop it and stop it now if we expect to have any moral standing in the world. I can't figure out what has happened in this country that we are so afraid. Life can not be lived that way and a nation's leaders should not play on the fears of their citizens We all, members of the ACLU must continue to raise our voices in the lonely cry for freedom or else we are without a shred of integrity in this missed-up time that we live in. Kennan - CO

Every day we see items in the news that inspire gut reactions of outrage. The trouble is that we too often do not take the time to think about news and by thinking I mean critical thinking. A good example was when President Obama publicly spoke out upon hearing of the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates for disorderly conduct. But at least he recognized his blunder and made amends. Can that be said of many in the news commentary business that fight over being the first to give their gut reactions to things that they know very little about, like the recent killing spree in Norway. When the news first broke there was immediate blame placed on Al Qaeda, Muslim extremists, and jihadis in general. How wrong they were. The same thing happened in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing--it must have been Muslims. Wrong again. I am constantly getting emails that have gone through many generations of forwarding, all expressing outrage over one thing or another, but what they all have in common is a lack of examination of the facts. It rarely takes me long to verify the lack of veracity or the twisting of facts from these largely anonymous articles. But these emails just keep going around long after the lies have been exposed. What is wrong with America is just what Adolph Hitler recognized as his power base when he said "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Far too many of us fail to think critically about what happens around us each day. Because of that we, or the people we elect to represent us, give support to laws that pass to "get tough on crime" only to discover the unintended consequences that come back to bite them. 9/11 scared us, but was our collective gut reaction appropriate? Are we happy with the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Are we happy with the way the Patriot Act has curtailed many of our freedoms? Were our leaders using critical thinking skills when they took these measures to "Protect our National interests?" Or were they just counting on the people not thinking so that they could pursue some hidden agenda? Of course, I am not suggesting that our leaders have nothing but the highest respect for the people who elected them. Now, what do you think? And take your time thinking, don't just react. Mark - MT 2ff7e9595c

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