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Enema Chat Rooms Forum


It seems like the majority of the members that are interested in enemas are men. I know that my wife is not very interested in them other than to please me. Could it be that men are more interested in enemas because of the prostate stimulation they provide or are men just more likely to talk about it on forums?

Enema Chat Rooms Forum

Ummmm... no. There are plenty of women here who are interested in enemas. This isn't the first post like this, there is another thread on here somewhere that says the almost exact same thing. I'm not sure where these guys are getting this impression from. There are lots of women posters on the forum and the blog, and in chat. Maybe there's fewer women posting ads or something?

Hello enmlvn! I'm a female, enjoy enemas etc. Just wish I had more time to come in & read and post. Interesting that you said, "or perhaps men aren't any more interested in enemas, but maybe are more likely to talk about it on forums." Makes me wonder if that might just be true. ?

Thank you for your reply julie_58155 I know how you feel I suffer from anxiety and get so frightened about things like this. Glad your problem cleared up by itself. I had a full colonoscopy because of bleeding 3 years ago when I was 69. It was at another hospital in the area. I had light sedation and was awake but relaxed had a fantastic surgeon who was kind and gentle all went well 1 polyp benign removed and diagnosis of diverticulosis and internal haemerroids (I already had IBS and other health issues). This time round had rectal bleeding and saw consultant and this time he thought a sigmoidoscopy would be enough. After I had the enema at the hospital I was told to wait 5mins if possible as they work very quickly if I could not then don't worry just go. Well I think I waited about 4 mins. I could feel the water coming out just as I sat on the toilet (sorry to be graphic). Well when I checked it was just clear water and a couple of small pieces of stool. I said to the nurses that I did not think it had worked but they did not seem concerned when they started the sigmoidoscopy they said they could not continue as there was solid stool in the rectum and I would have to rebook. I asked if I could perhaps try to go to the toilet again or have another enema but they said no as I had already had the sedation. I asked could a nurse not be with me I was perfectly able to walk to the toilet as the sedation was very light. No would have to rebook as you can imagine not happy about this and not good for my anxiety either. To add to the problem when they took the cannula out almost the whole of the top of the hand was bruised. I am waiting for another appointment and this time they have said a double enema. Whilst replying to you have managed to get through on the phone to my gp and have an appointment to see her this afternoon to discuss it. I have since learnt from another forum that a lot of people having a sigmoidoscopy are given the full moviprep at home which is done for colonoscopy so you have a complete clean bowels. I suffer with constipation and others have told me it takes much longer to work. I left the hospital at around 1.30 having been there since 11.30 and I did have to empty my bowels around 3pm so there looks like there might be some truth in that. They seem to think everyone is the same. I am hoping my gp with be able to suggest something before the appointment comes throught. Now I have to go through the anixety all over again. I am sure this could have been avoided,

The latest Red Lion Group pouch support chat forum took place on Monday 1 March and was well attended with some 56 people registered and some 42 attending. The attendees came from all over the UK; a couple from mainland Europe and one lady dialling in all the way from New York State. We also had another first with a mother and daughter attending the same event. Tech expert Gary Bronziet pressed all the right buttons and session chairs Theresa Parr and Christopher Browne facilitated the discussions, which were both lively and varied.

The latest Red Lion Group pouch support chat forum took place on Monday 1 February and was well attended with some 52 people registered for the event. As per usual the tech whizz Gary Bronziet pressed all the right buttons and session chairs Theresa Parr (for the ladies) and Christopher Browne (for the men) facilitated the discussions, which were extremely lively and varied.

The group discussed topics which had arisen on recent pouch forums and also personal questions and items tabled by the attendees on the night. These included a fascinating expose of the dangers of apple peel in causing the gut to go into spasm. Christopher explained the problem is the very high level of fibre in the peel, which overloads the small intestine in pouchees. One solution is to avoid them altogether, another was to boil the skins to degrade the fibrous material and finally to chew chew chew! This led on to a general discussion of other foods which can cause problems, including mushrooms, chocolate, tomatoes, orange pith and the gerkins in a MacDonalds burger (especially if you are using a medina catheter to empty your pouch).

The latest in the series of Red Lion Group Pouch Support chat forums via the wonders of zoom technology was held on Monday evening, 2 nd November. Attracting some 30 attendees, the evening was another riveting and thoroughly enjoyable opportunity for pouchees and potential pouchees to talk about common problems and challenges and for the more experienced pouchees to share their tips and recommendations to help the less experienced pouchees. The evening was choreographed by Gary Bronziet, our very own IT guru (and Membership Secretary), with Theresa Parr (Minutes Secretary) and Christopher Browne (Editor in Chief of the excellent Roar! publication) chairing the female and male breakout groups respectively.

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During early adolescence, there are rehearsals of courtship preceptive behavior [17] such as touching, kissing, holding hands, and so on. Boys who fall behind in courtship rehearsals develop social anxieties and fears that cause them to fall further behind. They often turn to pornography, which can quickly become predictable and soon require greater deviation to be stimulating. Pornography provides infinite amounts of deviant arousal conditioning at a critical period when boys are flooded with testicular androgens. Girls may also feel compelled to visit sexual websites or chat rooms, with their endless opportunities for the vulnerable and naïve to experiment with deviant experiences. Compared to 25 years ago, female sexual compulsions are at new highs. 2ff7e9595c

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